Saturday, November 17, 2012

A visit to the bench

Tomorrow is Julia's actual birthday but today, we wanted to go visit Julia's bench.  The plaque is on the bench now and we have been anxious to go see it.  It was a rainy day and was supposed to rain much of the day so we weren't sure how much we'd be able to hang out by the bench.  But we decided to brave it, and go anyway.  However, shortly after we arrived at the bench, the clouds literally started to part and there was blue sky above and no rain!  That was a gift from God.  The bench is in a perfect location overlooking a stream 100 yards below.  It is such a peaceful place.  Bob and I sat on the bench and Mattie enjoyed exploring around collecting leaves and such.  Also, while we were there hanging out, Linda Brosemle walked by!  Linda and Don Brosemle are my friend Christa's parents who work at Mt. Hermon.  They were key in getting the permission to put the bench where it is.  That was another God appointment, I believe.  I was so glad for her to see us enjoying the bench and to get the opportunity to express again our appreciation.

After we got home and had some dinner, Mattie wanted to make some cupcakes for Julia.  We used a box mix and Mattie just about made them all by herself with no help!  She read the box directions, poured the water and oil into measuring cups and poured them into the bowl along with the mix.  She got out the 3 eggs needed and she cracked every one herself into to bowl without getting any shells in there.  Then she used the hand mixer all by herself and mixed the batter.  She put the muffin papers into  the muffin tins.  Bob scooped the batter into the tins and Mattie worked on "cleaning" (licking) up the beaters and remaining batter in the bowl.  She did an effective job.  We will be bringing the cupcakes to lunch tomorrow after church where some friends will gather to celebrate Julia's birthday.