Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Julia is perfect for our famiy"

Today, while Julia was swinging in her swing, Mattie walked up to her and declare to me, "Julia is perfect for our family. Mommy, Julia is perfect for our family." Then after looking at her a little while, she said again, "Ahhh, she is perfect."

It brought tears to my eyes. Though it is difficult to admit, there are moments I struggle to think of Julia as "perfect." There are times I really struggle with her having Down syndrome. Times when I cry out to God asking, "Why did our daughter have to be born with Down syndrome?" This was what I needed to hear to remind me that this is how God sees Julia- perfect! God sees her as perfect for our family. He knew her name before she was even born. I prayed that God would give me eyes and the heart to see Julia as "perfect for our family." She is a beautiful little girl. And I love her. I don't want to be sad about her having that extra chromosome.

James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights..."


  1. Lots of love to you and your sweet girls. I pray that you will find joy and peace in your heart and see Julia with the eyes of her sister. You're doing a great job, Val. Love, bryn

  2. Isn't it just like God to speak to us through the 'mouth of babes'?
    I love the fact that she said it more than once...
    Thank you for your honesty Val. It IS difficult to accept God's ways when they are different than the plans we have for ourselves. But He will walk with you, and He will help you. And He is good.
    Love, Robbin
