Thursday, April 7, 2016

Conversation about Julia

My good friend Karin emailed me today to tell me about a very sweet conversation she had with her kids about Julia.  I wanted to post it because I want to keep and remember all the ways the memory and impact of Julia's life lives on.  It is a blessing and comfort to me despite all the pain that surrounds it. Thank you, Karin, for taking the time to email me today.  

So the kids and I were talking about sewing which led to talking about how Josiah and I made that quilt for Julia before she was born and Josiah was not yet three. That led to about half an hour of questions and talking about Baby Julia, her life, her health challenges, what you did to care for her, what happened when she died, and that we'll see her again someday. The questions were so specific and they were so interested and attentive. And Hope didn't know what to think when I started to cry as I talked about how we thought she and Julia would grow up together. 
It was so lovely and sweet. Sadly sweet. It just seemed you should know how much Julia was part of our day today. I'm still in tears. 

Karin's kids and Julia's life are forever intertwined because Karin's daughter, Hope, was born just 5 days after Julia and Julia died on her son Josiah's birthday.    

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