Sunday, January 29, 2012

Julia came home... finally!

Yesterday afternoon Julia was finally discharged from the hospital and able to come home to be with us, her family. We were all so glad but Mattie was definitely the most excited. I went to the hospital by myself first to take care of logistics like picking up medication (all 10 of them… that’s right, I said 10!) and signing paperwork. Then Bob and Mattie came when she was pretty much ready to go. When Mattie got to the hospital, she was so happy to see her sister and loving toward her. I was holding her at the time and she came over and gave Julia a big hug. Mattie loves her sister so much.

To celebrate, Bob got fancy filet mignons to grill at Costco and we busted open a bottle of Ridge wine that we have been saving for a celebratory occasion.

Julia is not totally “better.” But the doctors have a good balance of medication and she is stable enough to be at home. She has a pumping machine to give her continuous feeds that will run 20 hours a day (but must be changed every 4 hours so there’s no sleeping through the night.) She will be closely monitored over the next several weeks and months. She will most likely have 1 or 2 doctors appointments every week and at each appointment they will check her O2 blood saturation levels. They will also check her lungs for fluid and her heart and respiratory rate. We will see the cardiologist every 1 to 2 weeks.

Please keep praying for her and for our adjustment back to being a family of four.

Thanks so much!

Val, Bob, Mattie and Julia Brown


  1. Yay! So glad that Julia is home now! :) Cute pictures, too. Love the sister hands!

  2. Glad she is home Val! I love the photo of the hands - so precious! I'm praying for you guys! Love you!
