Monday, February 6, 2012

A bright new day...

Lamentations 3:22-23

22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

It has been a wonderful day today. Julia was doing so much better today. It was amazing. She spent several extended periods with her eyes open and alert. She would gaze into my eyes like she used to and track. She seemed to be stronger. This morning she even let out a small cry like she used to. She even grabbed my mom's thumb tonight. Her coloring is pretty good. These are all things we have not seen in the last 2 days at all. It was just so wonderful to see her beautiful blue eyes gazing in mine again today. I thought I had lost her forever.

Julia has been pretty much held by someone 16 hours of every day since she's been home. I think this is what is making her feel so good. She just gets passed around from grandma to grandma to Mama to Daddy and back again. Today while the grandmas were at ballet with Mattie, I turned off Julia's feeding and held her down the hall in my room while I put away laundry and talked on the phone. She just joined me in whatever I was doing. Her eyes were open the whole time taking everything in. It felt so much more "normal." These are the kinds of things I should be doing with my baby. Free from being confined to one place. It felt good.


  1. So glad to hear about your day! I know Julia is enjoying all of the love and cuddling. I hope today is wonderful as well! Love, b

  2. Your prayer group mom's were so glad to hear about your good day filled with many sightings of Julia's beautiful blue "peepers". We all love you so much and hold you in our prayers

  3. I can just picture this scene Val...praying for you again this morning!
