I'm sitting next to Julia right now. She is doing "better" today. Her lungs look better, she no longer has a fever, and she is breathing with less effort. The doctors are pretty certain she is fighting a viral pneumonia. But she seems to be improving.
But that's not what I really wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about the joy that is in my heart for her. I know it is God through the prayers of people that are holding me up. I have felt so happy to be with Julia today. I feel such pride and joy in my heart that she is my daughter. In an earlier post, I expressed how sad and conflicted I felt about Julia's Down syndrome. Today, I am not sad about that. I truly think she is one of the most beautiful little babies ever (with her sister Mattie being just as beautiful.) She continues to be so expressive and communicative through her beautiful blue eyes. She looks right at whomever is talking to her and "talks back" to them. There is a lot going on in that little mind of hers. I just feel really happy right now to be with her. I am so happy she is looking better and seems peaceful. I wish she wasn't connected to so many wires so I could hold her more easily... but I reach over and kiss her often and rub her arms and her cheeks. She is so precious.
The outpouring of people's love and support and prayers I *know* has been lifting us up and getting us through this time.
Val, I could not think or pray for you today without crying...I love this post. I too have joy in my heart. Joy for you because you are the best mother for Julia. The best. I do not understand why God has brought you to such a time as this, and I do not pretend to understand the mystery of His holy plan, but I pray you are wrapped in moments of joy like the one you had today. Praying for you friend.